Secure a Go (Golang) backend with Okta
To secure your Go (Golang) backend with Okta, you can integrate Okta's identity and access management system by leveraging OAuth 2.0 and JWT-based authentication. Below are the steps to set up this integration from scratch: Step 1: Sign Up for Okta Developer Account Go to Okta Developer and create a free developer account. After registering, create a new Okta Application that will represent your Golang backend service. Step 2: Create an Okta Application In your Okta dashboard, navigate to Applications and click Create App . Select Web as your platform and choose OAuth 2.0 as the authentication method. Take note of the Client ID , Client Secret , and Issuer URI , which will be required in the Go app for authentication. Step 3: Install Required Libraries Although Okta does not provide an official Go SDK, you can integrate Okta with Go using widely-used OAuth 2.0 and JWT libraries. Start by installing the necessary packages: OAuth2 for handling token-based authentication: go get...