Product Management System - Spring Boot Thymeleaf PostgreSQL
Here’s a step-by-step guide for building a Spring Boot CRUD application using Thymeleaf as the template engine, PostgreSQL as the database, and Bootstrap for UI styling. This includes a basic explanation of each component. Project Setup To get started, set up your Spring Boot project. Dependencies : Spring Web Spring Data JPA PostgreSQL Driver Thymeleaf Spring Boot DevTools (optional for live reload) Lombok (optional for boilerplate reduction) You can create this setup via Spring Initializr : Project Structure src / main /java └── com .example .demo ├── controller ├── model ├── repository ├── service └── DemoApplication .java src / main /resources └── templates └── (Thymeleaf templates) └── static └── (CSS, JS, Bootstrap) └── application .properties Steps 1. Configure PostgreSQL In : spring .datasource .url =jdbc:postgresql: //localhost:5432/your_database_name spring .datasource .username =your_username...