
Showing posts with the label Spring Boot

Deploy a Spring Boot Application on Azure App Service Using GitHub Actions CI/CD

Follow this step-by-step guide to deploy your Spring Boot application to Azure App Service using GitHub Actions for seamless CI/CD. Here is the general architecture diagram that we will be deploying. Step 1: Prerequisites Set Up Azure Resources: Azure App Service: Create an App Service instance for your application. Azure Container Registry (ACR): Create a registry for storing your application’s container image. Prepare Your GitHub Repository: Ensure your Spring Boot application source code is in a GitHub repository. Include a Dockerfile in your project for containerization (see Step 2). Install Azure CLI: Download and install Azure CLI . Log in to Azure: az login Enable Admin User in ACR: Go to the Azure portal > ACR > Settings > Access Keys. Enable Admin user and note down the username and password . Step 2: Add a Dockerfile Navigate to the root of your Spring Boot application project. Create a Dockerfile with the following content: FROM eclipse-temurin: 17 -jdk-a...

Deploy Spring Boot Application on Azure App Service Using Azure DevOps CI/CD

This guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step process for deploying a Spring Boot application to Azure App Service using Azure DevOps for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD). It covers essential steps, starting from creating an Azure App Service, setting up a Spring Boot project in Eclipse or IntelliJ, and pushing the code to Azure Repos, to configuring automated build and deployment pipelines in Azure DevOps. By the end of this guide, you'll have a fully automated deployment pipeline that allows for seamless code integration and deployment of your Spring Boot application to Azure, enhancing development efficiency and reliability. Here is the general architecture diagram that we will be deploying. 1. Create Azure App Service Sign in to Azure Portal : Log in to the Azure portal using your Azure account. Create an App Service : Go to the Create a resource section. Search for App Service and click on it. Click Create to start the process. Configure the Ap...

Integrating Azure OpenAI with Spring Boot: Complete Guide

This guide will walk you through integrating Azure OpenAI with a Spring Boot application using the spring-ai-azure-openai-spring-boot-starter dependency. You will learn how to configure, develop, and test an end-to-end solution. Step 1: Set Up Your Azure OpenAI Resource 1.1. Create Azure OpenAI Resource Log in to Azure Portal . Navigate to Create a resource and search for Azure OpenAI . Follow the prompts to create a new Azure OpenAI resource. 1.2. Get Required Values Once your Azure OpenAI resource is set up, gather the following details: Resource Name : Found in the resource overview. Example: my-openai-resource API Key : Navigate to Keys and Endpoint in the left menu of your OpenAI resource. Copy one of the API keys (e.g., KEY1 ). Deployment Name : Go to Deployments in the left menu. Deploy a model (e.g., text-davinci-003 ). Note the Name of your deployment. Step 2: Create a Spring Boot Project 2.1. Generate Project Using Spring Initializr Visit Spring Initializr . Configure th...

How to Send Email in Spring Boot Using JavaMailSender | Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a complete end-to-end guide on how to send an email in Spring Boot using JavaMailSender . This tutorial will take you from setting up your Spring Boot application to sending an email with the required configuration, code, and steps. Step 1: Create a New Spring Boot Project Using Spring Initializr Open Spring Initializr in your browser. Fill out the project details: Project: Choose Maven Project (or Gradle if preferred). Language: Choose Java . Spring Boot Version: Use the latest stable version. Group: com.example Artifact: email-demo Name: email-demo Description: A project to send emails using Spring Boot Package Name: com.example.emaildemo Packaging: Jar Java Version: Select the version of Java (preferably 17 or newer). Under Dependencies , select: Spring Web Spring Boot Starter Mail Click the Generate button to download the ZIP file containing your project. Step 2: Extract and Import the Project into Your IDE Extract the downloaded ZIP file and open the folder ...

Integration of Spring Security with Spring LDAP Authentication in Spring Boot

Here’s an end-to-end example of integrating Spring Security with Spring LDAP for authentication in a Spring Boot  application. 1. Set Up Local LDAP Server To install and run an LDAP server locally, you can use Apache Directory Server or OpenLDAP . Here, I'll use Apache Directory Server (Apache DS) because it's easy to set up and works well with Spring Boot. 1.1. Install Apache Directory Server Download Apache Directory Server from the official site . Choose the latest version based on your operating system. Install Apache Directory Server : Extract the downloaded ZIP or tar.gz file to a directory of your choice. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted the server. Start Apache Directory Server : Run the following command to start the LDAP server: bin/apacheds .sh start For Windows, use bin/apacheds.bat start . Access the Apache Directory Studio (optional) for easier interaction with your LDAP server: Download Apache Directory Stud...

Spring Boot Integration with Ollama AI

To integrate Spring Boot with Ollama (an AI platform), you can create a Spring Boot application that uses Spring AI support for Ollama to interact with its AI models. Below is an example of how you might integrate Spring Boot with Ollama in a simple way. 1. Set Up the Spring Boot Application Start by setting up a basic Spring Boot application. If you don't have one already, follow these steps: Go to Spring Initializr . Choose: Project: Maven or Gradle (depending on your preference). I prefer Maven. Language: Java Spring Boot Version: Choose the latest stable version (e.g., 3.x) Dependencies: Spring Web, Ollama   Generate and unzip the project, then open it in your IDE. 2. Complete   pom.xml <? xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?> < project xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi = "" xsi:schemaLocation = "