
Showing posts with the label ReactJS - Bootstrap - Navbar

ReactJS - Bootstrap - Navbar

Let us create a new React app - click here   For more topics, click below link: React JS Setup, Installation, and First React Project :  part 1 ReactJS - JSX :  part 2 ReactJS - Components :  part 3 ReactJS - State and Props :  part 4 ReactJS - Component API : part 5 ReactJS - Events  :  part 6 Reactjs - Form :  part 7 ReactJS - Bootstrap - Buttons : part 8 ReactJS - Bootstrap - Table : part 9 ReactJS - Keys : part 10 Mini Projects React J+Node JS+Express+MongoDB CRUD:MERN Stack development  Kotlin + Spring Boot + React JS + MongoDB CRUD - Full stack development React JS+SpringBoot+RDBMS-CRUD:Full-stack development foundation React.js + Python + MongoDB CRUD application After engendering the React app, the best way to install Bootstrap is via the npm package. To install Bootstrap, navigate to the React app folder, and run the following command. $ npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap --save Example 1: background="dark" and variant="dark" import React from 'react