Spring Boot, MyBatis Multiple Datasources Example
In this section, we will show you how we can use multiple data sources in Spring Boot, MyBatis application. In this example we will create two data source configurations for User DB(PostgreSQL) and Student DB(MySQL). Technologies used: Spring Boot 3.0.2 MyBatis 3 Java 17 Maven PostgreSQL driver and database MySQL driver and database Database setup PostgreSQL - Create database and table. Create a database in the PostgreSQL. CREATE DATABASE userdb; Then, create table users. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.users ( id serial primary key , email VARCHAR ( 40 ) not null , first_name VARCHAR ( 40 ) not null , last_name VARCHAR ( 40 ) not null ); MySQL - Create database and table. Create a database in the MySQL. CREATE DATABASE studentdb; Then, create table students. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stude...