
Showing posts with the label JWT Authentication and Authorization with Golang: End-to-End Guide

JWT Authentication and Authorization with Golang: End-to-End Guide

Here's a brief explanation of the diagram: User logs in: The user sends a POST request to the /login endpoint. API processes request: The API forwards this request to the Auth Controller for login processing. Check credentials: The Auth Controller checks the user credentials in the mock database. Generate JWT: If credentials are valid, the Auth Controller calls Token Utils to generate a JWT. Return JWT: The generated JWT is returned to the API and then back to the user. Access protected resource: The user sends a GET request to the /auth/protected endpoint with the JWT in the Authorization header. Validate JWT: The API uses JWT Middleware to validate the JWT by calling Token Utils . Claims validation: Token Utils returns the claims to JWT Middleware , which allows the request to proceed. Resource access: The API processes the request and returns the protected resource to the user. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for implementing JSON Web Token (JWT)...