Spring Boot Mockito - @Mock & @InjectMocks Example

In this tutorial, we will learn about the @Mock and @InjectMocks annotation of Mockito framework, and at the end, we will see how the Spring Boot application can utilize these annotation for unit testing with JUnit 5 . Therefore, read the post till the end. Mockito Mocking framework Mockito is used for efficient unit testing in Java-based applications. It is used in conjunction with testing framework JUnit. We construct a mock with Mockito, instruct it on what to do when certain methods are called on it, and then utilize the mock instance rather than the real one in our test. @Mock A mock object is created for a specified class or interface using the @Mock annotation. It gives Mockito instructions on how to make a proxy object that behaves just like the original object. We can mimic the actions of dependencies without calling their real methods by using @Mock . Here’s an example of using @Mock : @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension. class ) public class UserSe...