
Showing posts with the label HashiCorp Vault

Integrate HashiCorp Vault with Spring Boot application

In this section, we will learn how to integrate HashiCorp Vault with Spring Boot application and how to use HashiCorp vault to store secret in Spring Boot application. Assume in production environment we need to setup secure storage for our application database credentials, passwords, API keys or any other secret and sensitive data. HashiCorp vault allows us to secure applications and protect sensitive data with reduce the risk of breaches and data exposure with identity-based security automation and encryption-as-a-service. Let's begin, 1. HashiCorp vault local installation First, you should install hashicorp vault in your local machine.   Please refer installation guide (macOS, Windows, Linux) to setup vault locally. 2. Start the vault server After installed the vault, execute following command to start vault server: vault server - dev If everything goes fine, you will find similar output in the console like below :  Copy Root token for future purpose. If you need to set custom