Kotlin + Spring + Groovy Templates CRUD Example
Hello everyone, Today we will learn how to develop a Spring Boot CRUD web application, using Kotlin, Spring Boot, Groovy template, H2DB, and Spring Data JPA. The Groovy markup template engine provides an innovative templating system based on the builder syntax. It offers various key features: hierarchical (builder) syntax to generate XML-like contents (in particular, HTML5) compilation of templates to bytecode for fast rendering internationalization layout mechanism for sharing structural patterns optional type checking and more! The following technologies stack being used: Spring Boot 2.5.5 Spring MVC 5.3.10 Gradle Kotlin Groovy templates 2.5.5 H2DB Bootstrap Project Structure Project Dependency(build.gradle.kts) import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile plugins { id( "org.springframework.boot" ) version "2.5.5" id( "io.spring.dependency-management" ) version "1.0.11.RELEASE" kotlin( "jvm" ) version "...