Spring Boot 3, Google Cloud Trace - Distributed tracing example
In this section, we will create 2 simple services ( customer & product ) and add distributed tracing with Micrometer Tracing , and use Spring Cloud GCP to forward the trace information to Google Cloud Trace . Distributed tracing , also known as distributed request tracing , is a method of monitoring and observing service requests in applications built on a microservices architecture . When we have chained service to service calls, from customer to product , it's important to understand that the calls were successful and also the latency at every step. Starting from Spring Boot 3 , the old Spring Cloud Sleuth solution for tracing in Spring Boot is replaced with the new Micrometer Tracing library. Google Cloud Platform has Cloud Trace , which is a managed service that allows us to store trace data. In this example we will use Spring Cloud GCP Trace , which smoothly integrates with Micrometer Tracing and forwards the trace data directly to Google Cloud Tr