Deploy a Python Flask application to Azure App Service
To deploy a Python Flask application to Azure App Service, you can follow these steps: Prerequisites: Azure account (create one if you don’t have one: Azure Free Account ). Install Azure CLI : Install Azure CLI . Install Git : Download Git . Have Python 3.x installed. Steps for Deployment: 1. Create a Flask Application (if not already done) Ensure your Flask app is structured like this: my -flask-app/ │ ├── # Your Flask application file ├── requirements.txt # List of dependencies ├── .gitignore # Ignore unnecessary files └── runtime.txt # Specify Python version 2. Create a requirements.txt File You can create this file by running: pip freeze > requirements.txt This will include all the required Python dependencies, including Flask and azure-cosmos . 3. Create a runtime.txt File In the root of your project, create a runtime.txt file that specifies the Python version. For example: python-3 .9 4. Prepare a web.config for Azure App Service (Optiona...