
Showing posts with the label Comprehensive Guide to Pagination and Sorting in Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA

Comprehensive Guide to Pagination and Sorting in Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA

Pagination and sorting are essential features for developing scalable and performant applications that deal with large datasets. Spring Data JPA provides built-in mechanisms to easily implement these functionalities. 1. Setting Up a Spring Boot Project Dependencies To get started, include the necessary dependencies in your pom.xml if using Maven: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-data-jpa </artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-web </artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId> com.h2database </groupId> <artifactId> h2 </artifactId> <scope> runtime </scope> </dependency> </dependencies> 2. Database Configurat...