CQRS Design Pattern and Python Flask Microservices Implementation Guide
This diagram illustrates the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) design pattern applied to a microservices architecture. Here's a breakdown of its components: Key Elements: Microservices : Order Microservice : Handles commands (e.g., create, update, delete orders) through the Command Service and Command Model . Handles queries (e.g., fetching order details) via the Query Service and Query Model . Customer Microservice : Handles customer-related commands through its Command Service and Command Model . Handles customer queries via its Query Service and Query Model . Endpoints : Command Endpoint : Processes write operations. Query Endpoint : Processes read operations. Event Store : Centralized storage for events generated by the command operations. Ensures consistency and event sourcing. Read Storage : Optimized for query operations, providing fast access to read-only data. Message Broker : Facilitates communication between microservices by publishing and consuming ev...