Building an iOS App with Spring Boot for CRUD Operations
Creating an iOS application that interacts with a Spring Boot backend for CRUD operations involves several steps. Below is a high-level outline of the process, including sample implementations: Backend: Spring Boot Set Up the Spring Boot Project Use Spring Initializr to generate a Spring Boot project with dependencies like: Spring Web Spring Data JPA H2 Database (or any other DB like MySQL/PostgreSQL) Spring Boot DevTools Define the Entity Class @Entity public class Item { @Id @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private String name; private String description; // Getters and setters } Create the Repository public interface ItemRepository extends JpaRepository < Item , Long > {} Build the Controller @RestController @RequestMapping( "/api/items" ) public class ItemController { @Autowired private ItemRepository repository; @GetMapping public List<Item> getAllItems() { ...