Azure App Configuration for ASP.NET: A Complete Guide to Centralized Configuration Management
Externalizing properties (or configurations) in an ASP.NET application to an Azure App Configuration store allows for centralized configuration management, easier updates, and improved security. Here's a complete guide to set this up: Step 1: Create an Azure App Configuration Store Log in to Azure Portal. Search for "App Configuration" in the search bar and click on it. Click on "Create" and provide the following details: Subscription : Select your Azure subscription. Resource Group : Select an existing resource group or create a new one. Name : Provide a unique name for the App Configuration store. Region : Choose your preferred region. Click "Review + Create" and then "Create" . Step 2: Add Configuration Settings in Azure Go to your App Configuration store in the Azure Portal. Navigate to "Configuration Explorer" . Click "Create" to add a new key-value pair. Key : The name of your configuration property (e.g., AppSet...