Spring Boot @ConditionalOnClass Annotation Example
In this section we will learn about @ConditionalOnClass Annotation. The @ConditionalOnClass can be used to register a bean only when the given class(es) can be found on the class-path. We can define the fully qualified class name either via a String or via a Class<?> reference. For example, when providing library/framework classes to other developers, this annotation can be used to active certain beans only based on the existing of specific classes, e.g. driver-classes etc. The @ConditionalOnClass annotation may be used on any class annotated with @Configuration , @Component , @Service & @Repository or on methods annotated with @Bean . 1. Using @ConditionalOnClass on @Bean method To illustrate the use of @ConditionalOnClass , we will create two simple service classes, SMSNotificationService class and EmailNotificationService class. public class EmailNotificationService { public EmailNotificatio...