Deploy a Python Flask application to Azure App Service

To deploy a Python Flask application to Azure App Service, you can follow these steps:


Steps for Deployment:

1. Create a Flask Application (if not already done)

Ensure your Flask app is structured like this:

my-flask-app/ │ ├── # Your Flask application file ├── requirements.txt # List of dependencies ├── .gitignore # Ignore unnecessary files └── runtime.txt # Specify Python version

2. Create a requirements.txt File

You can create this file by running:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

This will include all the required Python dependencies, including Flask and azure-cosmos.

3. Create a runtime.txt File

In the root of your project, create a runtime.txt file that specifies the Python version. For example:


4. Prepare a web.config for Azure App Service (Optional)

If you need to configure the web server for Azure, create a web.config file. For Python Flask apps, this is often not needed, but it can help for specific configurations.

5. Initialize Git Repository

If you haven’t initialized your Git repository, you can do so by running:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

6. Create an Azure App Service

  1. Open Azure CLI and log in to your Azure account:
az login
  1. Create a resource group (if you don’t have one already):
az group create --name myResourceGroup --location "East US"
  1. Create an Azure App Service Plan:
az appservice plan create --name myAppServicePlan --resource-group myResourceGroup --sku B1 --is-linux
  1. Create a Web App:
az webapp create --resource-group myResourceGroup --plan myAppServicePlan --name my-flask-app --runtime "PYTHON|3.9"

Replace my-flask-app with a unique name for your web app. This name will be used in the URL to access your app (e.g.,

7. Deploy Your Flask Application

Once your Azure Web App is created, you can deploy your application.

  1. Push Code to Azure App Service Using Git: First, add the Azure remote repository to your Git configuration:
az webapp deployment source config-local-git --name my-flask-app --resource-group myResourceGroup

This will return a Git URL like https://<deployment_user>

  1. Add the Remote Git Repository:
git remote add azure <deployment_git_url>

Replace <deployment_git_url> with the URL you received in the previous step.

  1. Push the Code:
git push azure master

This will push your Flask application to Azure App Service, where it will automatically install dependencies listed in requirements.txt, set up the Python runtime, and start your app.

8. Access Your Application

Once the deployment is complete, you can access your Flask application by navigating to:

9. Monitor and Troubleshoot

If you need to troubleshoot or monitor your app:

  • Check logs:
az webapp log tail --name my-flask-app --resource-group myResourceGroup
  • Use the Azure Portal to view app diagnostics, logs, and scaling options.

Optional: Configure Custom Domain and SSL

If you want to configure a custom domain or enable SSL for your application, follow these steps in the Azure portal:

  1. Go to your app service.
  2. Under "Custom domains" or "TLS/SSL settings," configure the desired settings.

This is the typical process for deploying a Python Flask application to Azure App Service. 

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