Trim a string in Go Language - Examples

Hello everyone, In this tutorial, we will show you how to trim all of the leading and trailing spaces in a string.
Few methods from the strings package are,
  1. Trim(): 
  2. TrimSpace()
  3. TrimLeft()
  4. TrimRight()
  5. TrimPrefix()
  6. TrimSuffix()

Example 1: strings.Trim() function

The Trim() function is an inbuilt method of the strings package. This method will remove the leading and trailing whitespace from a string that is received as a parameter.
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.Trim() Method
package main

import (

func main() {

str1 := " My world is too small "
fmt.Println("Before:", str1)

str4 := strings.Trim(str1, " ")
fmt.Println("After:", str4)



Example 2: strings.TrimSpace() function

The TrimSpace() function is an inbuilt method of the strings package. This is a better choice if a variety of whitespace runes may be present at the start or end of a string.For example, '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' '
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.TrimSpace() Method
package main

import (

func main() {

str1 := " \t My world is too small"
fmt.Println("Before:", str1)

str4 := strings.TrimSpace(str1)
fmt.Println("After:", str4)


Example 3: strings.TrimLeft() function

The TrimLeft() method will remove the leading whitespace from a string that is received as a parameter.
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.TrimLeft() Method
package main

import (

func main() {

str1 := " My world is too small "
fmt.Println("Before:", str1)

str4 := strings.TrimLeft(str1, " ")
fmt.Println("After:", str4)


Example 4: strings.TrimRight() function

The TrimRight() method will remove the trailing whitespace from a string that is received as a parameter.
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.TrimRight() Method
package main

import (

func main() {

str1 := " My world is too small "
fmt.Println("Before:", str1)

str4 := strings.TrimRight(str1, " ")
fmt.Println("After:", str4)


Example 5: strings.TrimPrefix() function

The TrimPrefix() method will remove the prefix from a string that is received as a parameter.
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.TrimPrefix() Method
package main

import (

func main() {

str1 := ""
fmt.Println("Before:", str1)

str4 := strings.TrimPrefix(str1, "http://")
fmt.Println("After:", str4)


Example 6: strings.TrimSuffix() function

The TrimSuffix() method will remove the suffix from a string that is received as a parameter.
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.TrimSuffix() Method
package main

import (

func main() {

str1 := ""
fmt.Println("Before:", str1)

str4 := strings.TrimSuffix(str1, ".com")
fmt.Println("After:", str4)


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